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Becca Becca is offline
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Default Michael Jackson has died

Cheryl wrote:
> I have never been one of those who believed in what he was accused of.
> Children victims are at a disadvantage. They parrot what their
> parents say and reality becomes confused. I'm not saying he didn't do
> what he was accused of, I'm just saying that I, personally, don't
> believe anything he might have done was malicious.

Michael Jackson was an enigma to most of us, he was black/white,
masculine/feminine, old/young. Was he guilty or innocent of molesting
children? We have no way of knowing. He was acquitted in court, but he
was not found innocent. O.J. Simpson was also acquitted in the state of
California, although most of us suspected he was guilty.

He was a talented man who was shrouded in mystery. He was popular when
I was a child, so I "grew up" with Michael Jackson. It will be
interesting to discover the cause of death. It could have been natural
causes, but I fear it was an accidental overdose of prescription drugs.
That is happening way too often. At one time, people were dying from
illegal drugs, but that has changed. Prescription medication is cheap
and too easy to obtain.
