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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Why are farmers markets expensive?

"brooklyn1" > wrote in message

if you
> want fresh picked from the farm you need to go to a farm stand... and even
> then it is doubtful everything was harvested that day, they don't throw
> away what doesn't sell that day. Where I worked there were 5,000
> employeess, once a week a farmer's market was permitted to set up in one
> of our many huge parking lots so they could sell during the lunch hours...
> each department took lunch at different times, even the same department
> had staggered times so they didn't need to shut down (mot of out operation
> never shut down), so the farmer's market was operational on site from
> about 10 AM until 2 PM... this kind of farmer's market moved from location
> to location on a steady basis, to sell at various large employer's
> facilities and even in town municipal parking lots/park ball fields, etc.
> When a seller comes to your location or is set up away from their farm it
> is not a farm stand and there is no way to know where a farmer's market
> vender gets their wares. Supposedly all the produce sold at the Farmer's
> market where I worked was grown by legitimate farmers on Long Island, but
> who knows, coulda shipped in tomatoes from Noo Joisey.

I'm sure there are many farmer's markets as you describe, but I'm speaking
of the one here in town that is open twice a week. There are only about a
dozen vendors and each one has a farm. Many also operate farm stands on
their own also and I've been to some of them. Each has a specialty. Frank
has plants and herbs and the best tomatoes, Wayne has all organic and has a
variety of onions, potatoes, garlic, snap peas and greens. Rachel has
berries, etc.