On Jun 28, 2:06*am, PeterL > wrote:
> maxine > wrote in news:96aed454-9139-401c-9743-390e38a99181
> @y7g2000yqa.googlegroups.com:
> >>http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/sto...68-662,00.html
> > Krispy Kreme and Sara lee are the only two that are in the US that I'm
> > aware of. *Looks like you Aussies need to write to your
> > representatives and start a campaign to ban trans fats in all your
> > foods.
> > While they're at it, they can ban white flour and sugar....
> > ;-)
> White flour has it's uses....... especially the "OO" stuff for making pasta
> :-)
> Sugar has some uses as well.
> I take it you don't use either?
That's what the winky-face was for. It's a joke, Son, a Joke.
Thus sayeth the lady with 30 pounds of white flour and 10 pounds of
white sugar in her cupboards
maxine in ri