Thread: Pleasant Sunday
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Pleasant Sunday

Spent yesterday preparing food for grilling in marinade.

Turkey, chicken, shrimp and mushrooms went into a lemon/lime, dill weed,
ginger and garlic marinade with a little pepper, and beef (chuck) chunks
went into a teryaki, ginger and garlic marinade overnight in the 'frige.
I also sauteed some onions to add back to the beef in a little olive oil
and salt free lemon pepper.
I skewered the beef, mushrooms and shrimp.

My Sister and her family came over today, (sis, BIL and the two nephews)
and she brought more mushroom and onions and some squash for grilling.
And yes, I do have a non-stick grilling thingy for my BBQ grill. :-)

Everything went over well, and she also brought a nice cantaloupe that I
prepared. It got wiped out by the boys. The nephews both have a passion
for melon!

Right now we are noshing on leftovers (sorry, no pics, I've been too
busy) and watching the most recent Harry Potter movie...
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
