Andy wrote:
> jmcquown said...
>> I watched a bunch of Alfred Hitchcock films Saturday on a classic movie
>> channel. Before they started the show they had an interview with
>> Hitchcock and Dick Cavett from the early 60's. At one point Cavett had
>> to hold up a box of something (who knows now what it was) and say, "And
>> now a word from our sponsor". Pitches have been a part of radio and
>> television advertising for decades. It's not going to stop any time
>> soon.
> The BIG difference being, brand names products paid to sponsor TV programs
> (like soap operas) and had their products available on supermarket shelves!!!
> "Not available in stores" became an entirely bullshit racket and Mays was a
> shrewd pitchman who took it a new level.
> Sorry for his passing but, NOT sorry that he'll instantly be replaced to
> continue the crap product advertising "that's not available in stores."
> Andy.
Hells bells -------- Who cares ?
Starting to wonder if Tv has taken over the ability for people to
think for themselves. There is a big nasty as well as wonderful world
out there.
FFS get away from the tube it appears to be programming a whole society .
Remember those GM and Chrysler Ford adds ------------- Eron etc where
did that get you
While ou flame listen to this
Dons flame proof suite