Sausage and spinach lasagna
On Sun, 28 Jun 2009 20:51:35 -0600, gloria.p wrote:
> Victor Sack wrote:
>> Besides, using terms such as "sausage" or "hamburger" for things that
>> are neither sausage nor hamburger only shows one's limited vocabulary,
>> laziness, or a lack of respect to one's own language - and maybe leads
>> to general moral turpitude. Ha!
> Perhaps we should call it "ground-meat-blended-with-herbs-and-spices
> which-would-be-called-sausage-if-it-were-in-a-casing."
> gloria p
i think you mean "ground-meat-blended-with-herbs-and-spices
which-would-be-called-sausage-if-it-were-in-a-casing," sir!
your pal,