What does Summer taste like?
John Kuthe wrote:
> On Jun 29, 5:48 pm, Chemo the Clown > wrote:
>> On Jun 29, 3:20 pm, Tara > wrote:
>>> watermelon
>>> perfect ripe tomatoes with salt
>>> tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions in Italian dressing
>>> homemade ice-cream
>>> Tara
>> Well, I had a girlfriend named Summer, one..................tasty!
> I had a girlfriend named Candy once. 2nd grade. Pettiest little blonde
> girl in class! And SMART too!
> She's a pHD in biochemistry now and working as a professor at a
> university.
> John Kuthe...
Pettiest or prettiest? I tend to think nice things about the ladies of
my past, so I assume your typing skills are on par with mine :-)