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sonnybeach sonnybeach is offline
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Default first tasting of 2008 vintage

Good Soldier Schweik > wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Jun 2009 20:00:42 -0700 (PDT), shbailey
> > wrote:
>>Jack Keller considers 6 lbs of blackberries per gallon to be a heavy
>>bodied wine, so don't over do it.
>>Look on the recipe page. He is the fruit wine expert.
>>Jack often calls for the addition of grape tannin to give fruit wines
>>a little more "bite".
>>He also says that peaches usually need a second ingredient to give
>>sufficient body.

That sounds like a good idea for my peach wine. It needs something
more. Anyone have any suggestions about what to add?

> I just made a batch of lychee wine from Jack's recipe. It has finished
> fermenting and is now in 20 Ltr. bottles. Hopefully it will be better
> some of my other efforts :-)
>>On Jun 27, 8:57 pm, sonnybeach > wrote:
>>> I went to a BBQ at my Mom's house this afternoon and I took two
>>> bottles of my 2008 peach and my 2008 blackberry wine.
>>> The blackberry wine was very good, but the peach wine was still a
>>> little raw. Still, the alcohol content was there and the BBQ was a
>>> very pleasant party for all.
>>> I plan on letting the remainder of the bottling sit until about
>>> September for trying it again. At that time the peach ought to be a
>>> lot more mellow, and the blackberry ought to be even better.
>>> My only comment about the blackberry is that I think I should use
>>> more blackberries for greater fragrance. I think I used about 5 lbs
>>> of blackberries per gallon for this last 2 gallon batch. This coming
>>> year I hope to use about 8 lbs of blackberries per gallon for a 5
>>> gallon batch.
>>> I sweetened the blackberry wine with about 1/4 cup of sugar per
>>> gallon and the peach wine with about 1/2 cup of sugar per gallon.
>>> Neither wine seemed oversweet to me.
>>> --
>>> Sonnybeach

> cheers,
> Schweik
> (goodsoldierschweikatgmaildotcom)

I'm planning on making about 5 gallons of blackberry this year and as
much peach as I can with the fruit I get from my one tree. I also
have a crabapple tree on my property and I have seen at least one
recipe for crabapple wine, so I'm thinking of trying a gallon or two
of that this year.

I have the Keller site bookmarked so I'll go back and read that more
carefully about the peach wine additions.
