What does Summer taste like?
Jean B. wrote:
> Tracy wrote:
>> Bob Muncie wrote:
>>> Tracy wrote:
>>>> Becca wrote:
>>>>> Tara wrote:
>>>>>> watermelon
>>>>>> perfect ripe tomatoes with salt
>>>>>> tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions in Italian dressing
>>>>>> homemade ice-cream
>>>>>> Tara
>>>>> The ones you mentioned, plus strawberries, cantaloupe, yellow squash.
>>>>> Becca
>>>> and corn on the cob....
>>> Right on target Tracy... I have 6 perfect corn specimens on my
>>> kitchen counter, just waiting for the butter love. And love them
>>> dearly I will :-)
>>> Bob
>>> P.S. I have a strawberry farm 2 miles from my house that opened for
>>> picking today. If I only had a sweetie of my own right now, I'd be in
>>> heaven.
>> There are few places near me for pick your own strawberries, but it
>> has been raining non stop for about a month - or at least it seems so.
>> They won't let you pick when the vines are wet.....I wonder what it
>> will do to the prices. The last time I called u-pick strawberries were
>> 5 dollars a quart.
>> Tracy
> I gather the strawberry crop has really suffered. Corn too. Hasn't the
> weather been ghastly? But then I think of folks who don't have water....
The weather has been downright awful. I haven't had any corn yet this
year. I am not a fan of the really sweet white corn. I prefer yellow
corn. I don't think it exists anymore. I haven't seen it in forever.