What does Summer taste like?
Nancy Young wrote:
> Jean B. wrote:
>> Tracy wrote:
>>> There are few places near me for pick your own strawberries, but it
>>> has been raining non stop for about a month - or at least it seems
>>> so. They won't let you pick when the vines are wet.....I wonder what
>>> it will do to the prices. The last time I called u-pick strawberries
>>> were 5 dollars a quart.
>> I gather the strawberry crop has really suffered. Corn too.
>> Hasn't the weather been ghastly? But then I think of folks who
>> don't have water....
> I blame myself. I was bound and determined to pick strawberries this
> year ... and the skies opened up and it rained for a month. Like
> 27 days out of 30. I haven't seen any ads for strawberry picking.
> nancy
Oh, you too? The rain is rather tedious. I have not been tempted
to go out picking berries. I did see folks doing that ONE day.
Jean B.