What does Summer taste like?
Jean B. wrote:
>> I am glad that I made my strawberry jam last week when the weather was
>> nice. The berries were small, dark and sweet and made wonderful jam.
>> It has rained almost every day since, and it supposed to rain all
>> week. The local sweet cherries probably won't be very good. The
>> cherries burst when they have too much rain.
> Sniff. My daughter really loves cherries.
> I seem to recall that the overwatered berries taste relatively, er, watery?
Yep. They are nice and plum but flavourless. One year I was late making
my jam and went to a pick your own farm to get the berries. It was hot
and humid and the ground was wet from several days of rain, but it
didn't take long to fill four baskets because the berries were so big,
and few to have to hull. The jam was quite bland because the swollen
berries had almost no flavour.