Billy Mays died!
Pennyaline wrote:
> Lin wrote:
>> notbob wrote:
>>> As for Billy, sorry he's dead, but
>>> not sorry that grating voice will be heard no more (hopefully).
>> I can't explain it, but for some reason it -seems- they have cranked
>> up the amount of advert time with this guy. I've seen at least six
>> commercials in the last two hours on Nickelodeon. (Granddaughter likes
>> the channel). Sheesh. I spoke to soon. Mark that up to seven ... one
>> was airing as I typed this.
> Actor Robert Urich did a number of infomercials in the time before he ]
> died of cancer in 2002. Long after he was gone, those infomercials just
> kept running and running.
Robert Urich had a personality and charisma. The only thing Billy had
going for him was a big mouth.
Am I sorry he died so young? yes. Am I sorry he'll never make another
commercial? Not only no, but HELL no.