Serene Vannoy wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> Dan Abel wrote:
>>> "Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq." > wrote:
>>>> Ever tried "pomalos" (sp?) they are a hybrid of grapefruit and some
>>>> other citrus and much nicer to eat than a grapefruit imo.
>>> Lots of names and variations in spelling. I've had them a few times
>>> and wasn't impressed with the taste. They *are* impressive looking.
>> I bought one once out of curiosity. I wasn't impressed, but
>> then, I don't care for grapefruit. As large as it looks, it was
>> remarkable how thick the skin was.
> The one we had was incredibly sweet and lovely (I'm not a fan of
> grapefruit unless it's extra-sweet), but the pith and skin were VERY
> thick, and the thing had to be supremed to be eaten. It was fun to do
> once to try it, but not worth the work on a regular basis.
> Serene
They occasionally get down to .50 cents per in the SF bay area and then
i will eat my fill of them, but at 1 dollar per or higher i tend to
pass them by.
Funny thing, i am very fond of grapefruit juice, but don't care to eat
Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq.
Domine, dirige nos.
Let the games begin!