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Denise in NH Denise in NH is offline
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Posts: 124
Default Basil and keeping it

I have a good sized herb garden and I found most of them will keep year
round. For basil, I make pesto and freeze in small batches. You can
also just chop the basil in a food processor add olive oil, then freeze.
Or you can hang them to dry, then crumble into a jar. I do this all the
time, as so many herbs come up at the same time. Or you can dehydrate
them in a low temp oven, then jar them. I really like to use my herbs
fresh, but I usually cut too much at once, so 1/2 will get used fresh,
the other 1/2 gets dried or frozen for later.

I also have tons of chives, which I snip into small pieces with shears,
then place in a baggie in the freezer. When I need some, I just scrunch
the bag a little and a small amount will come out, just right for egg
salad, or potato salad, etc.

I'm still bummed about losing all of my pesto I made last summer. There
must have been about 50 to 75 frozen pesto cubes in my freezer when we
had that week without electricity in New England last December.

I also freeze sliced leeks and julienned pea pods. There's always more
than I need at once in a package, so I use some fresh and chop and
freeze the rest. When I make a stir fry I just dump out the right
amount from the freezer baggie and I can't taste the difference between
fresh or frozen in certain foods. At the very least, there's no waste.

I love harvest day in late summer when all of my herbs are hanging at
the same time in my dining room. I have a wire strung across a beam. I
wrap an elastic around the stems and hang with Christmas tree hooks.
The smell of drying Rosemary, Lemon Thyme, Sage, Oregano, Dill, and
Lavender is intoxicating. I have a friend who always wants me to invite
her for coffee on the day I hang my herbs to dry.

I thought I might try growing Leeks, but the package says it needs 4
months growing time. That will bring me to the end of October. That's
getting into frost time up here. Does anyone here grow leeks? I didn't
have good luck with garlic. I let them overwinter, but when I picked
them they had a nice top growth, but were no bigger than when I planted
them, one little bulb with top growth. What went wrong?
