I'm well into adulthood, and I just realized ...
Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. wrote:
> Default User wrote:
>> Tara wrote:
>>> ... you can slice a grapefruit into eighths, orange-smiley style, and
>>> eat it out of your hand.
>> Ah, excellent. Another way for me to not eat grapefruit.
>> Brian
> Ever tried "pomalos" (sp?) they are a hybrid of grapefruit and some
> other citrus and much nicer to eat than a grapefruit imo.
According to an article in the San Francisco Chronicle, pomelos were
native to S.E. Asia in the 17th century, maybe even back to 2000 BCE.
The article also calls it "the grandfather of the grapefruit." Hybrids
do exist for commercial purposes, for instance to make them more
tolerant of cool weather. I agree that they have a much nicer flavor
than most grapefruit.