Yellow corn (was What does Summer taste like?)
On Tue 30 Jun 2009 06:47:09p, Tracy told us...
> gloria.p wrote:
>> George wrote:
>>> The yellow/white corn seems to be the most popular here but a few grow
>>> yellow corn. I remember asking at one stand and they said everyone
>>> wants the white or white/yellow.
>> The yellow corn of my childhood was very starchy and not nearly as sweet
>> as today's yellow and white hybrids or plain white corn. IMO, the
>> yellow, when only slightly over-ripe, tastes very starchy.
>> The best tasting corn I have ever eaten in my life was a bicolor hybrid
>> from the San Pascual Valley in northern San Diego County.
>> gloria p
> But, but, but, I like the yellow corn because it's not as candy sweet as
> the white or bicolor stuff.
> Starchy is ok in my book.
> Tracy
Me, too, Tracy. It's getting harder to find the old-fashioned yellow corn,
but it's the only kind I will buy.
Wayne Boatwright
Strawberries are the angels of the earth, innocent and sweet with
green leafy wings reaching heavenward. ~Jasmine Heiler