What does Summer taste like?
On Jun 30, 8:57*am, "Jean B." > wrote:
> Andy wrote:
> > New Jersey "Fresh" tomatoes. Eaten like apples. The best.
> > Sugar corn, raw, in the field, laying down in the dirt, staring up at the
> > sky, dripping in corn milk, briefly.
> > Rita's Italian water ice (lemon (Alex's Lemonade), mango, raspberry, root
> > beer, strawberry, watermelon).
> > Fresh pressed murky dark ice cold apple cider.
> > Andy
> Oh that last... *So hard to find thanks to the food police. *Sniff.
We still have nice cider here.
There are a lot of good reasons to vacation in and near St. Louis in
September, and going apple picking is one of them. I'd suggest that
even the folks here who detest me personally allow me to impersonally
play welcoming ambassador. If not, their loss. I'm always happy to
give tips.
> --
> Jean B.