Dinner Sunday 6/28/2009
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Dinner Sunday 6/28/2009
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Orlando Enrique Fiol > wrote:
> >I'd like to beat the person that came up with "buffalo wings" over the
> >head with a wing drumlet!
> >Wings have always been my favorite part of the chicken, and now they are
> >nearly as expensive (if not more so) than chicken breasts!
> Given Buffalo wings' ubiquity, you'd think they'd be as dirt cheap as
> breasts.
> Wings used to be practically given away. The irony is that they obviously
> contain much less meat than breasts and are pretty skin heavy. I nonetheless
> love them to death, although I hate that nasty Buffalo sauce which generally
> tastes like nothing more than butter and hot sauce. Give me garlic or
> barbecue
> wings any day over that Buffalo slop.
> Orlando
I won't buy pre-sauced wings.
Right now, there are frozen bags of wings at the store in #5 bags.
Calculating the price per lb., they are around a buck fifty.
I've not bought any. Drumsticks were $.88 per lb. this morning and so
were whole fryers.
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
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