Hi there!!!!
On Wed, 01 Jul 2009 16:19:39 -1000, dsi1
> wrote:
>Vesper wrote:
>> On Thu, 02 Jul 2009 08:56:41 +0800, Phil-c <invalid@invalid> wrote:
>>> Perhaps your time would be better spent getting that cast iron thing
>>> into gear <grin> However, just do a google on her name
>>> or go to google groups and do a search . Why any one would waste
>>> heartbeats doing that is beyond me though .
>> Thanks.
>> V
>What you should know is that a lot of folks in this group have something
>against Google and all things that are Google. Please don't ask why - if
>you have to ask, you'll never be able to understand. In my case, I wish
>to curry favor with the big G so that one day, I may have a position in
>the New Google World Order of the future. I need a decent job!
They do seem to be expanding their influence, don't they?