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Default Egg boiling question

On 02 Jul 2009 07:26:58 GMT, shouted from the
highest rooftop:

>I have an odd, and probably very elementary question, but please
>bear with me.
>I put a few eggs into boiling water to hard-boil them. Within about
>30 seconds, I heard a very loud CRACK! noise, looked in the pot and
>saw one of the eggs losing its contents into the water. At the end
>of the boiling period, there was a moderate sized hole in the shell
>of that egg, and it was floating, so probably mostly empty.

No surprise you've had eggs crack before - although the one you're
describing probably had little left in it once it cracked so badly.

Next time put a small hole in the top of each egg (I use a map pin)
then take the water off the boil just long enough to lower the egg/s
into the water slowly, then quickly put back on the element/gas to
continue boiling. No cracks. No floating eggs.

Another method is to take the eggs you intend boiling out of the
fridge and let them get to room temperature. But even then, they can
sometimes crack.

Get some map pins, mate.


una cerveza mas por favor ...

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