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Egg boiling question
Jean wrote on Thu, 02 Jul 2009 08:28:21 -0400:
> bob wrote:
>> On 02 Jul 2009 07:26:58 GMT, shouted from the
>> highest rooftop:
>>> I have an odd, and probably very elementary question, but
>>> please bear with me.
>>> I put a few eggs into boiling water to hard-boil them.
>>> Within about 30 seconds, I heard a very loud CRACK! noise,
>>> looked in the pot and saw one of the eggs losing its
>>> contents into the water. At the end of the boiling period,
>>> there was a moderate sized hole in the shell of that egg,
>>> and it was floating, so probably mostly empty.
>> No surprise you've had eggs crack before - although the one
>> you're describing probably had little left in it once it
>> cracked so badly.
>> Next time put a small hole in the top of each egg (I use a
>> map pin) then take the water off the boil just long enough to
>> lower the egg/s into the water slowly, then quickly put back on the
>> element/gas to continue boiling. No cracks. No
>> floating eggs.
>> Another method is to take the eggs you intend boiling out of the
>> fridge and let them get to room temperature. But even
>> then, they can sometimes crack. Get some map pins, mate.
> Another tip... I have discovered that eggs need to be closely
> inspected. Even when a casual inspection indicates a perfect egg, you
> sometimes see little cracks. Some of these cracks
> appear to have been sealed with clear wax (or something
> similar). Now I am wondering whether that is a natural
> phenomenon. Anyway, if I disregard these seemingly trivial
> imperfections, I end up with burst eggs.
I don't think inspection is worth the trouble unless you don't have any
more eggs available.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: