Egg boiling question
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Egg boiling question
On 02 Jul 2009 07:26:58 GMT,
>They were in the refrigerator prior to being put into the boiling
>water, but that's always the case when I boil eggs (which I do very
>regularly). Also, I usually put salt into the water before adding
>the eggs, which helps keep them from cracking, but I'd forgotten this
They probably had some microscopic cracks that you didn't notice. I
always use my eggs directly from the refrigerator too (mainly because
I don't think about taking them out before I need them) so I "temper"
them by dipping them quickly in and out of the boiling water before I
lower them into the hot tub. It minimizes problems with cracks if
something happens anyway. Oh, yes... I also lower the heat to a point
where the water is still boiling but it's not at a full rolling boil.
>I realize this post is a little weird and might end up fodder for
>jokes, but I'm actually a bit phobic about food poisoning, so I'd
>appreciate at least a *few* serious answers.
It's not weird... boiling eggs comes up at least twice a year, food
poisoning comes up even more often.
I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.
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