What does Summer taste like?
On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 06:24:10 -0700 (PDT), John Kuthe wrote:
> On Jul 2, 7:55*am, Bryan > wrote:
>> NPR is having this thing where they're asking listeners to suggest
>> love songs with enduring appeal, that will still be of interest in 400
>> years. *Only one came to mind, "Sugar, Sugar."
> I had The Archies album! I was a big Archie comics fan in elementary
> school. I probably thought about my gfriend Candy when listening to
> the song "Sugar Sugar" too.
> John Kuthe...
ike and tina turner, of all people, do a *killer* version of 'sugar,
('of all people' not because of their personal problems, but because you
don't think of the archies as a source of r 'n' b goodness.)
your pal,