> wrote in message
> "david" > wrote:
> > > wrote in message
> > ...
>> Attaboy! You're quite right. The'net' harbors every level of monkeys
> capable of punching a keyboard. And you never know whether a post is
> or BS, as we say where I purport to be from. BTW, as I replied to
> I've heard them called 'bird' peppers before, but this is the first time
> I've heard them called 'birds EYE' peppers.
David Thompson calls them Bird's Eye chilies, for example, in "Thai Food".
He is our best known Thai chef. He also calls them scuds - but that's his
term cf Bird's Eye which is the normal term in this country at least.
> Your posts, thus far, suggest to me, that you might be an acceptable mate
> to hoist a pint or five with, and if I ever get down under, I would hope
> might do that. Unfortunately, I think I'll have to win the Lottery before
> that can happen. ;~(
Well perhaps you can have a virtual pint at my website -
> I suspect ya can hande 3.
I reckon I can try.