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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Egg boiling question

In article >,

> I have an odd, and probably very elementary question, but please
> bear with me.
> I put a few eggs into boiling water to hard-boil them. Within about
> 30 seconds, I heard a very loud CRACK! noise, looked in the pot and
> saw one of the eggs losing its contents into the water. At the end
> of the boiling period, there was a moderate sized hole in the shell
> of that egg, and it was floating, so probably mostly empty.


If you look carefully at commercial eggs, sometimes even intact ones
will have fine "craze" lines. When I purchase eggs, I open the cartons
and remove any eggs that are the least bit damaged as those can
introduce contamination into the eggs interior.

I like my yolks runny and do NOT take chances! I've had Salmonella once
and do not care to repeat the experience. I open a second carton and
exchange the bad eggs for good ones. Mom taught me to do this as a very
small child. If others do this, you eventually end up with a carton of
only bad eggs and she taught me to leave said carton OPEN for others to
do the same.

Those eggs can be returned by the store for credit.

There is no reason to pay good money for damaged eggs...

I'm betting you had a slightly damaged egg that was not completely
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
