Pulled chicken experiment
I took two fresh birds, rinsed/patted them, seasoned liberally with
salt and
pepper, and then smoked to 171-ish internal at 250F using 80%
and 20% hickory.
Grapewood is much like apple or pear, mild fruitwood, very nice,
well, and hickory is for spice. Grapewood is relatively easy to get
if you
know a grapegrower... superb stuff.
Took a while to "get there" and rest, skin was a beautiful mahogany
but inedible parchment, removed the skin, pulled the meat, got 4.1lbs
meat from a 10.8lbs package at Costco.
Splash some North Carolina style "sauce" onto the meat, spritzed in
of the general purpose rub I use... and... damn... fine... getting
some of that
"butter" people talk about. Just nice stuff.
Will be warming it up for a 4th party tomorrow.