"Dora" wrote
> cshenk wrote:
>> Oh Dora, Lisa again. The link Carol was looking for is
>> www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search
>> That one lets you put in things like protein (25 pages of PDF) where
>> you see 1 cup of apple juice is just .25g protein. Got to run!
> That's invaluable. Many thanks to you and Carol. Enjoy the picnic - may
> the best dish win!
Hi Dora!
I have to spend a little time inside or I'll look like a lobster for the
next week. In fact, I over did it a bit but not so much as to be a real
Grin, hubby won't let me out for 15 more mins so Lisa came in to add some
bits. They are pretty much same as I was going to add.
You'll have to do multiple searches on that page but print the 25-28 pages
of PDF for each item you are restricted on. Lisa says it worked best then
to have colored highlighters.
(Lisa here, green is 'good', yellow is 'ok in moderation' pink is 'can have
some, watch portion closely. Print them in alphabetical order and they
pretty much line up).
I add that without knowing how many g protein or mg potassium you are
allowed, you can only tell what is lower or higher, but you can tell that at
least. This type of list, the kitchen at your home can work from if they
want to.
(Dez here, diabetic, watch them sugars gal ok?)
(Tom here, not letting our friend outside no more today. She's relegated to
the kitchen and screened porch. Looking redder than the crabs!)
ggrrrr. Drive by keyboard friends....or was that fiends? Ok, inside but I
gotta go boil more crabs. They are now in *my* bathtub and trying to
escape. Got about 20 left to deal with.