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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default Pao de queijo question

koko wrote:
> I would really like to try my hand at making this bread. It's a
> Portuguese cheese bread.
> I've googled several recipes and they all call for the manioc starch,
> or to substitute tapioca flour.
> I'm hoping to find an acceptable substitute so I don't have to drive
> all over town looking for tapioca flour.
> Sooooo...I was thinking. Tapioca is used as a thickener, right? and
> tapioca flour, I would bet is pretty powdery, right? Powdery thickener
> hmmm I have white rice flour, a thickener, right? and powdery, right?
> So what do you think, would it work substituting white rice flour for
> the tapioca flour for the manioc starch. ;-)
> After I copied this recipe I found out that the cheese called for is
> more like a fresh mozzarella than a Parmesan
> Pćo de Queijo
> Adapted from Recipezaar and Sonia-Portuguese
> 1 cup milk
> 1/2 cup water
> 1/2 cup vegetable oil
> 1 tsp salt
> 2 cups tapioca flour
> 2-3 eggs (I had a cracking accident and used 2 eggs, 1 yolk and some
> white)
> 2 cups Parmesan cheese, grated
> Preheat oven to 350F.
> In a medium-large sized pot bring milk, water, oil, and salt to a low
> boil. Remove from heat once boiling.
> Add in tapioca flour, stirring as fast as possible. Use a wooden
> spoon, not a whisk, as the dough will become very sticky. Let cool for
> about 10 minutes.
> Move dough to a large bowl and knead in eggs.
> # When eggs are kneaded in, add grated cheese and knead until dough is
> smooth. Note: If your cheese is coarsely grated, it will appear a bit
> lumpy.
> Once kneaded, form into balls about 2 inches wide and place on
> parchment paper coated (or greased) baking sheet. Note: you may want
> grease your hands with vegetable oil before trying to form dough
> balls.
> Bake for about 25 minutes or until rolls are golden brown.
> Serve warm! If you let them sit too long, reheat in the oven/toaster
> oven, the microwave will make them too gooey.
> Note: Next time I'm going to go 2 1/2 cups of cheese!
> I await your counsel.
> koko
> --
> There is no love more sincere than the love of food
> George Bernard Shaw
> updated 07/02

I can't answer your question, but I have seen tapioca flour at
Asian markets.

Jean B.