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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default For Dora, 16 possible recipes

"Christine Dabney" wrote
> "cshenk" > wrote:

>>Humm. Nutritionist able to make sense of it? If not, you really might
>>a new Doc. Thise arent metric Equvalents at all. 60-70MG is less than 1
>>It's nonsensical applied to several of your limits.

> She said mEq, which is milliequivalents..not milligrams. Big
> difference.

So what is that in 'one thousandth of a gram'? Anything else is useless for
her needs on all USDA etc readings. There is no such thing as
'millequvialents' in any page or book I have seen for a person with special
diet needs. I will grant you I am not a Doc, but i've *never* been given
crap like that in 25 years since they started me on low-chol diets and
worked on later to the additions. NEVER.

Seriously, this isnt rocket science. Her Doc needs to say how many MG
sodium, potassium per day and how many G protien he recommends. To give her
less information, is to be non-functional. Not even a
dietician/nutritionaist can work without that *basic* line.

It's almost like Valley-girl talk 'oh gee, you should eat less salt and
sorta like it would be cool to avoid bannanas ya know? Oh and no beef,
chicken, or pork 'cause it is not so macrobiotic so might be uncool to eat'.

I'm very unimpressed with her Doc just now. If there is some translation of
that, he obviously failed miserably to explain it to her which means she
can't possibly apply it.