SWMBO's Peach Cobbler
The Ranger wrote:
> On Jul 7, 9:27Â*am, "cyber****" > wrote:
>> [..] I expect you will [..]
> If it causes you to have an immediate aneurysm, I'll be sure to let
> you know with a full-spread of pictures. Otherwise I'm committed to
> causing you further pain and suffering by using said acronyms.
Dunno why people get hot under the collar about commonly used (Usenet)
acronyms... Oh, well, each to their own.
Have saved the recipe, BTW - but won't be able to use it for a while -
our peach trees in the back yard are rather nekkid here at the moment
<g> and I haven't seen any decent imported peaches either; well, not
for the price tags our stores put on them...
Chatty Cathy