SWMBO's Peach Cobbler
On Tue, 07 Jul 2009 19:05:08 +0200, ChattyCathy wrote:
> The Ranger wrote:
>> On Jul 7, 9:27*am, "cyber****" > wrote:
>>> [..] I expect you will [..]
>> If it causes you to have an immediate aneurysm, I'll be sure to let
>> you know with a full-spread of pictures. Otherwise I'm committed to
>> causing you further pain and suffering by using said acronyms.
> Dunno why people get hot under the collar about commonly used (Usenet)
> acronyms... Oh, well, each to their own.
> Have saved the recipe, BTW - but won't be able to use it for a while -
> our peach trees in the back yard are rather nekkid here at the moment
> <g> and I haven't seen any decent imported peaches either; well, not
> for the price tags our stores put on them...
actually, the newreader i use (40tude dialog) will translate most of them
if you hover over them with the cursor. i don't like them because i don't
think they save much time for either the writer of the reader. but my
advice is DHAC .
your pal,