For Dora, 16 possible recipes
Goomba wrote:
> Dora wrote:
>> The doctor clarified it yesterday on the phone.
>> 60 - 70 mEq, or 1000 to 2000 mg., potassium. Sending me a list of
>> low potassium foods showing mg. per serving of each. That'll help.
>> Still trying to nail down a dietician - the first had closed shop.
>> Phone requests are out there but no return calls as yet.
> Dora, call your local hospital. They have Dietitians on staff and
> may
> do clinic type appointments for outpatients. If not they should be
> able to refer you to one. You want a Registered Dietitian.
Thanks, Goomba. Yes, my research showed me I needed a Registered
Dietician rather than a nutritionist. I'm still waiting for call
backs - going to try again. One was to an outside dietician referred
by the hospital. The second call was to the actual Diabetes Center at
the hospital. To my amazement, the only dietician on staff here at
this 2,200 person retirement facility is not available to people in
the independent living units, only in the nursing center. The medical
center M.D. here, however, has
given me "special dispensation" to see her (with pressure from the
nephrologist). I phoned her yesterday but no response as yet.