In article >,
sf > wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Jul 2009 14:04:42 -0500, Omelet >
> wrote:
> >Recent research shows a ton of health benefits using coconut oil, and
> >it's delicious. ;-d
> I need to look for it again. Where do you buy yours?
Grocery Store (HEB). Lou Ana Coconut oil. Wal-mart often sells it too.
Like with Olive Oil, there are supposed to be better benefits from extra
virgin cold pressed. <g> But I don't buy in to that (YMMV).
> The one time I
> bought it, it was hard to find and expensive. I kept it around
> practically forever but didn't use it because it was considered
> "unhealthy" at the time. Hard/hydrogenated coconut oil makes an
> excellent hardener for chocolate coatings, btw.
> Hubby is worried about saturated fats and hydrogenated coconut oil
> might have trans fats too.
I understand, totally. :-) But at the moment at least, its' very
google-able for heart healthy benefits:
I first ran across the concept from one of Dr. Ben Kim's Newsletters:
I subscribe. :-) And was not too surprised considering my leaning
towards Atkins.
Before that, I mostly used Olive or Grapeseed oil, but Coconut has a
higher smoke point. Not bad for shrimp and other seafood too. I still
tend to use Grapeseed for expensive steaks.
I do not generally do a lot of frying anymore tho', but Coconut (the
brand I mentioned) is cheaper than a good Olive Oil by about $2.00 per
Liter around here.
I honestly don't go thru maybe 3 liters of oil per year anymore,
including Olive, Grapeseed, Coconut and Peanut. Most of my food is
Electrogrilled, steamed, or microwaved. Butter is used at the rate of
about 1 lb. maybe every 2 months and dad eats most of it. I hardly
touch the stuff except for flavoring from time to time in small amounts.
I sometimes think I was avoiding fat too much.
And I have managed to recently accelerate my weight loss by INCREASING
the amount of fat calories in my diet. I stalled out in May for a
month. Played around with the Atkins fat fast (5 days on, weekends
protein only) the last 2 weeks in June and went from 207 to 195
as of last night. :-)
I love Atkins.
My last triglyceride reading as of last Friday night was 67. I still
have a bit of an issue with total Cholesterol (230) but my last visit to
the doc' 2 weeks ago, she advised me to try flax seed oil at 4,000 mg.
per day then re-test in 6 weeks. I'm complying...
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.