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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default First time steak cooking?

In article >,
sf > wrote:

> On Wed, 08 Jul 2009 15:33:30 -0500, Omelet >
> wrote:
> >Before that, I mostly used Olive or Grapeseed oil, but Coconut has a
> >higher smoke point. Not bad for shrimp and other seafood too. I still
> >tend to use Grapeseed for expensive steaks.
> >
> >I do not generally do a lot of frying anymore tho', but Coconut (the
> >brand I mentioned) is cheaper than a good Olive Oil by about $2.00 per
> >Liter around here.

> OK, I was going to ask you if you used the liquid or hard stuff...
> according to what I've read, the hydrogenated stuff has a higher smoke
> point than liquid.

I've only ever seen the solid here. I've not seen a liquid form even on
line??? Mine turns to liquid when it gets slightly warmed. I keep it
next to the stove so the ambient heat from the burner nearby will melt
it so I can pour it. Seems to have a low melting point.

> >
> >I honestly don't go thru maybe 3 liters of oil per year anymore,
> >including Olive, Grapeseed, Coconut and Peanut. Most of my food is
> >Electrogrilled, steamed, or microwaved. Butter is used at the rate of
> >about 1 lb. maybe every 2 months and dad eats most of it. I hardly
> >touch the stuff except for flavoring from time to time in small amounts.
> >I sometimes think I was avoiding fat too much.
> >
> >And I have managed to recently accelerate my weight loss by INCREASING
> >the amount of fat calories in my diet. I stalled out in May for a
> >month. Played around with the Atkins fat fast (5 days on, weekends
> >protein only) the last 2 weeks in June and went from 207 to 195
> >as of last night. :-)

> Congratulations

Danke. Breaking that 200 lb. barrier was a bitch. <g>

> >
> >I love Atkins.

> I've been looking at South Beach lately, not very hard... but
> considering it. I'm not a dieter.

Meh. Atkins and South Beach are lifestyles. A permanent change was in
order for me, and it means healthier eating over all for the most part.

Diets don't work. Period. Not on the long haul.

Funny thing too. Many seem to think low carbing is so restrictive. If
anything, I've broadened my veggie horizon and gotten more creative with
meat preparation due to sheer boredom initially. <g>

I now eat a much, much greater variety than I ever have before when my
base diet was based on starch. I love the produce section, especially
at the asian market!

> >
> >My last triglyceride reading as of last Friday night was 67. I still
> >have a bit of an issue with total Cholesterol (230) but my last visit to
> >the doc' 2 weeks ago, she advised me to try flax seed oil at 4,000 mg.
> >per day then re-test in 6 weeks. I'm complying...

> Flax seed oil? Sounds like it's pill form. Do you take any type of
> fish oil?

The Flax oil I take is in gelcap form, yes.
Fish oil makes me nauseous. Can't stand the stuff.
It IS better, but I can't live my life nauseated. ;-p
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
