"Lawrence" > wrote in message
> Peter Dy wrote:
> > "Lawrence" > wrote in message
> > ...
> > [...]
> > > As I write this, I'm watching, and listening too my housekeeper make a
> > > curry paste....The motion is a twisting/stirring movement,
> > alternating...The
> > > stirring is mostly to clean the sides and position for the twisting
> > (grinding)
> > > motion...
> >
> > Lawrence, is that with a granite mortar and pestle? I've tried that
> > say, garlic, and the sides are too smooth for it to work. Hmmm...
> >
> > [...]
> > > Oh, and the paste is fairly dry....a bit like play dough, or sand with
> > just
> > > enough moisture to mold, but no liquids oozing...
> > >
> > > Like this........ (showing it to my com)...See?
> >
> > As Rona says, "Where's the pics?!"
> >
> > Peter 
> Peter, my housekeeper loves the red clay mortars (with stone and wooden
> pestles)...
Ah, ok. Yeah, the motions used for clay ones are different than those used
for the granite ones. And those used for Indonesian-style mortars and
pestles differ yet again. Never seen the latter in the States though.
> You can get to miss some of the weirdest things from 'home' sometimes...A
> ago, it was Butterfingers. I don't know why...I think the last one I had
> about 30 years ago...
Hehe. I can see that, though those Chinese, pounded peanut candies are very
similar, just without the chocolate. I missed Doritos.
> Speaking of food cravings, it reminds me of an American Monk I met in
> some years ago. He had joined the ThammaYut sect, which the King also
> to, and it's quite a bit stricter than the Theravada sect, the largest
> sect in Thailand. He's been in Thailand almost 40 years, but he was
telling me
> that when he was living in an Issan wat, he often prayed for a pizza and
> green salad while was doing his morning rounds collecting food...
There's an good movie about 2 Germans attending a monestary in Japan, called
Enlightenment Guaranteed. Pretty funny. No food cravings though.
I think you meant that ThammaYut is smaller than the largest sect,
MahaNikai. Both are Theravada.