> Bricks as you describe are most often the result of the flour/water ratio
> being off; too much flour for the amount of water used. Do you weight your
> ingredients? If not, what method do you use to measure the flour?
The manual recommends 2-4 tsp water, extra, for each cup of water in the
recipe. I added five extra tsp water for the recommended 1-1/3 C in recipe.
I did not weigh the flour, but I could. A 1 C measure and a 1 T and 1 t
measure come with the machine.
> I always make the dough in my bread machine's dough cycle, then shape into
> baguettes and bake.
Which eliminates the second punch down. I wonder......
> Place a pan of hot water on the bottom rack of the oven. Preheat oven to
> 450F.
I'll need to do a thorough oven cleaning, first. Those are smokin' temps.