Tracy wrote:
> Jean B. wrote:
>> maxine wrote:
>>> On Jul 9, 9:20 am, Tracy > wrote:
>>>> Jean B. wrote:
>>>>> I was VERY bad yesterday. First, I went to the abode of a former
>>>>> restaurateur who was selling a cookbook collection. The ad said
>>>>> $65 for
>>>>> the collection, but that turned out not to be the case. I still ended
>>>>> up with a full plastic bin of cookbooks. (Did I mention the fact
>>>>> that I
>>>>> seem to be marching toward having a cookbook shop to help support this
>>>>> nasty collecting habit?)
>>>>> As if that wasn't enough, I then proceeded to New England Mobile Book
>>>>> Fair. As some of you know, that is the brick and mortar home of
>>>>> Jessica's Biscuit. I was intending ONLY to look in the sale area,
>>>>> having found some wonderful goodies there before (e.g., Cagle and
>>>>> Stafford's American Books on Food & Drink). I have a very poor track
>>>>> record there, so, as one might predict, I also went to their huge
>>>>> cookbook area (the store has much more than cookbooks). I scanned the
>>>>> international cookbooks pretty thoroughly, ending up with several more
>>>>> books. I always wonder if I will end up with cathedral neck there,
>>>>> because the shelves are ultra-high. Or whether I will topple off
>>>>> one of
>>>>> the little step stools, used to get a closer look at some of those
>>>>> higher books.
>>>> I live so close the the New England Mobile Book Fair - but I haven't
>>>> been in years. I need to drag the DH over there soon.
>>>> Thanks for the reminder it exists. The China Fair is right next door
>>>> too, I think.
>>>> Tracy
>>> Yes! China Fair! Tis a fair neighborhood, with Paper Fair, the party
>>> goods store, across the alley from China Fair.
>>> My Aunt used to live off Dedham Street, and I got to know that area
>>> very very well<g>
>>> Have either of you been to Baaza(I think that's the name) the new
>>> Russian and international goodies store behind Filene's Basement?
>>> My family keeps me in check, or that's where my paycheck would end up.
>>> maxine
>>> maxine in ri
>> Which Filene's basement is this? I don't really know that area.
> The Filene's Basement is on Needham Street just beyond the New England
> Mobile Book Fair on the right - sort of across from the old Linen's and
> Things. Baza is on Tower Road - on the right.
> I took a peek today actually. Baza is interesting. It is like a small
> grocery store with beer and wine and a lot of Russian items - some of
> which I had no idea what they were. Lots of smoked fish and meats. It
> was freezing though! I had to go sit in the car while the DH roamed the
> aisles.
> I also went into the NEMBF and bought Neil Gaiman's "The Graveyard Book"
> and an Oscar Wilde collection. The DS had asked for Dorian Gray. I
> forgot that everything is sorted by publisher...kind of a headache. I
> will go again soon - better prepared.
> Tracy
Did your husband accompany you?
Yes, if one is not prepared there, one can end up with a literal
neck ache if not a headache. Scanning is REALLY hard.
I see I need to explore that area more, having now convinced
myself I can get there (and back) without undue trauma. BUT I
have potential agendas for today and the weekend, at least.
Jean B.