idea for survey - soy sauce packets!
Kate Connally wrote:
> Do you use the soy sauce?
Yes, to dip my eggroll. Maybe on the rice once in a while. I
don't usually eat the rice, so it's pretty rare I use the soy sauce
for that.
> Does anyone you know use the soy sauce?
> Do you use the mustard?
> Does anyone you know use the mustard?
Yes, for the eggroll.
> Do you save the soy sauce and collect it in a bottle
> at home for home use?
For some reason they accumulate in the refrigerator
sometimes. It wouldn't occur to me to empty them into a
> Ditto mustard.
> I do sometimes use that sweet sauce on a few things.
I never touch the stuff.
> I guess you could include questions about the sweet
> sauce. (What the heck is that stuff called, anyway? I
> can't recall - is it duck sauce?)
I thought it was duck sauce. Doesn't look like something I'd
be interested in putting in my chicken and broccoli.