idea for survey - soy sauce packets!
On Jul 10, 11:23*am, Kate Connally > wrote:
> I got some takeout Chinese food this week. *There were
> the usual packets of soy sauce and some sweet sauce
> and mustard.
> I have never once in my entire life added extra soy
> sauce to my Chinese, or any other Asian, food! *And
> I can't imagine anyone else actually doing so. *No
> one I know does it either. *I've never seen anyone
> actually use the soy sauce packets.
> Then there's the mustard packets which they give
> you even if there's nothing in your order that calls
> for mustard. *I think the mustard might get a little
> more use than the soy sauce, but I really can't remember
> seeing anyone use that either, and I never do.
> So, I would be curious to see a survey about this.
> Do you use the soy sauce?
I never use the packets because I almost never order take out/
delivery. BUT when I'm in the restauarant I invariably add some from
the table to the rice and if I do t.o./d I use my own choice from my
own kitchen. I even add soy sauce (at the table) to stuff I've cooked
myself! I have a sodium problem ;-)
> Does anyone you know use the soy sauce?
Who knows? I live alone!
> Do you use the mustard?
Same for mustard with eggrolls. wontons, wings etc. If it's not on the
restaurant table I ask for it and I keep a jar in the fridge at home.
Am always mad if the restaurant brings packets. If I ever go back I
bring my own.
> Does anyone you know use the mustard?
See above.
> Do you save the soy sauce and collect it in a bottle
> at home for home use?
Yes, for "emergencies" but it always gets pushed to the back of a
drawer and dries up.
> I do sometimes use that sweet sauce on a few things.
> It's not very good though so if I'm eating it at home
> I generally just use my Thai sweet chilli sauce instead.
Too much garlic!
> I guess you could include questions about the sweet
> sauce. *(What the heck is that stuff called, anyway? *I
> can't recall - is it duck sauce?)
Around here it's called "that sweet red stuff" of "Chinese Catsup".
> Really - does *anyone* use that stuff?
Come to think of it, no.
Lynn in Fargo ;-)
> Kate
> --
> Kate Connally
> “If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
> Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
> Until you bite their heads off.”
> What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?