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PeterL[_17_] PeterL[_17_] is offline
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Default idea for survey - soy sauce packets!

Kate Connally > wrote in news:h37pt5$hfa$1

> I got some takeout Chinese food this week. There were
> the usual packets of soy sauce and some sweet sauce
> and mustard.

Up to this point in time, I have *never* been given packets of sauce with
any Chinese takeout. I just don't think it happens here in Oz. Our Chinese
food is tasty enough without needing to add extra seasoning.

We do, however, get packet soy sauce with takeout sushi, along with wasabi

> I have never once in my entire life added extra soy
> sauce to my Chinese, or any other Asian, food!

If you need to add extra falouving to your Chinese takeout, you need to
find a new Chinese joint.

> Then there's the mustard packets which they give
> you even if there's nothing in your order that calls
> for mustard. I think the mustard might get a little
> more use than the soy sauce, but I really can't remember
> seeing anyone use that either, and I never do.

[Shaking head......] *Mustard* with Chinese food??

Maybe on a hotdog, or a sandwich......

> So, I would be curious to see a survey about this.
> Do you use the soy sauce?

On sushi, yes.

And the damn packets are small, and hard to open, so you invariably end up
spilling some where you don't really want it.

Peter Lucas

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