idea for survey - soy sauce packets!
Kate Connally wrote:
> So, I would be curious to see a survey about this.
> Do you use the soy sauce?
> Does anyone you know use the soy sauce?
> Do you use the mustard?
> Does anyone you know use the mustard?
> Do you save the soy sauce and collect it in a bottle
> at home for home use?
> Ditto mustard.
We consider it indispensable on our little island for any type of fast
food. If I order a take-out breakfast of eggs and rice from McDonald's
or Jack in the Box, you better have a packet of shoyu in the bag or
you're likely to see my ugly mug again. McDonald's uses Kikkoman, JITB
uses it's own branded packets. The hot mustard from Chinese take out
comes in little plastic cups, usually mixed with some shoyu. Packets of
Chinese hot mustard just don't cut the errr... mustard.
Most homes here have a bottle of shoyu - we don't milk packets into
bottles. That would be considered more than a little nutty.