Miche > wrote in
> In article >,
> PeterL > wrote:
>> Kate Connally > wrote in news:h37pt5$hfa$1
>> @usenet01.srv.cis.pitt.edu:
>> > So, I would be curious to see a survey about this.
>> > Do you use the soy sauce?
>> On sushi, yes.
>> And the damn packets are small, and hard to open, so you invariably end
>> up spilling some where you don't really want it.
> One sushi place here gives out little fish-shaped bottles of soy sauce
> instead of the sachets.
If *only* someone over here would bring in stuff like that!!
It'd save soy sauce stains on shirts, pants etc.
> MUCH cleaner to use, and I keep the bottles.
Do you put little ships in them??? ;-P
Peter Lucas
Killfile all Google Groups posters.........