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Nonny Nonny is offline
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Default Do flavorizer bars on Weber Genesis grills rust out?

"'CB'" > wrote in message
> 1. The flavorizer bars rust out?
> 2. The burner rusts out?

IMHO and IMHO only, one of the killers of bars, non-SS grates and
even burners is the salt we use for seasoning. If you put it on
while cooking, you have salt juice drippings going onto metal
surfaces. When cool, the salt never evaporates; the salt stays
there drawing moisture and causing rust.

> In my experience just about all metal appliances that are used
> out side
> in high-heat situations will eventually rust. There are some
> steps you
> can take - to treat them as you would any cooking utensil and
> clean
> thoroughly after each use, spritzing the grates and other
> cooking
> surfaced with a high-temp vegetable cooking oi. And the burners
> and
> such - protecting from moisture, etc.
> Of course, no one does that.
> So the only alternative is to purchase grills with grates and
> other
> parts that a) are made with materials and processes to withstand
> neglect and abuse which always = $$$
> b) are warrantied to be replaced if/when they fail which is also
> part
> of the price = $$$
> lower priced products usually have either bullet-proof systems
> or no
> warranty.
> --
> 'CB'


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