Too Tired and Lazy
Salmon Ella wrote:
> Just boil it. With your attitude and taste buds, you wouldn't understand
> the difference, and your taste buds wouldn't appreciate the difference.
Whoa, ease up, Mr. Ella. Fact is you've never tasted my cooking
and I can tell you now that it's great, although perhaps a bit
limited. I make the best pasta salad you'll ever taste, anywhere,
anytime. You need to spend some time in a prisoner of war camp to
respect the fine art of simple cooking, you snob goblet you. Speaking
of boiled chicken, it's not so good cold, but eaten hot right off the
bone it's pretty damned good. Like Sylvester Stallone in Rocky #3
when he had to go back to his old neighborhood to regain his heart,
you need to go back to a world of poverty to regain whatever true
taste you had before you sullied it with all sorts of absurd sauces
and multi-syllabled condiments.
Tommy Joe (I'll take mine raw)