REVIEW - Zip Lock Steam Bags
While I was cooking last night's dinner omelet, I realized that I had
forgotten to make another vegetable. I had a bunch of asparagus in the
fridge but it was going to take longer than I wanted to cook them. Then
I remembered the steamer bags.
After snapping off the bottoms and rinsing the asparagus spears, I
popped them in one of those bags, sealed it and stuck it in the
microwave for 1:30 on high.
They were really good with a little fresh lemon juice and a dash of salt.
I still prefer to saute asparagus with garlic and EVOO, but in a pinch,
the steamer bag worked well.
We had insalata Caprese with the asparagus and the herb and Swiss cheese
omelet. Good dinner!
Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.