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Rona Yuthasastrakosol
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Default Thai curry paste

"slim" > wrote in message
> In a Muslim country.

You need to do some research. Only 4% of Thais are Muslim. The people of
Southern Thailand are predominantly Muslim, but the rest of Thailand (as
well as the monarchy) is Buddhist.

> Mulsim religion condones the taking of up to four wives.

Only with the first wife's permission and if the man can afford it.

> Whats the problem?

Nothing if you're Muslim (although, in fact, many Muslims I have met do
*not* condone the taking of more than one wife, either). But as I wrote
above, the majority of Thais are not. Buddhism *does not* condone adultery,
btw. What's your problem? You have chimed in with inaccurate and
irrelevant information. You clearly know nothing about Thailand or

> Trying to fit the square American peg into the round Foreign hole?

"American" has nothing to do with it, except for that in the anecdote I
related, the first wife of my dad's friend *was* American.

> That's what is wrong with the Colonialistic attitude.

Or perhaps that's what's wrong with you--ignorance is a large part of the
"colonialistic [sic] attitude", isn't it? (The word is, btw, colonial")


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