New information or you live and learn.
Wayne wrote on Sun, 12 Jul 2009 16:03:50 GMT:
>> "blake murphy" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> That only happens if both systems are used together. If the
>> US went metric overnight, i.e., with no transition period, it
>> wouldn't be long before people thought in metric.
> Among other things, if you cook and use cookbooks, you'd be
> constantly converting forever...unless you threw them all out
> and replaced them. Most of my US cookbooks do not contain
> metric measurements.
> Having said that, I have quite a few cookbooks from the UK and
> Europe. I made a point of buying measuring equipment for that
> purpose, as well as a scale that weighs in both ounces and
> grams.
If the US went metric contrary to the will of the public, several
politicians would get themselves elected on a pledge to reverse the
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: