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"brooklyn1" > wrote in message ...
| "graham" > wrote in message
| ...
| >
| > That only happens if both systems are used together. If the US went
| > metric overnight, i.e., with no transition period, it wouldn't be long
| > before people thought in metric.
| >
| >
| Nonsense. If you need to think about it then it's not second nature...
| metric will never become second nature to someone who grew up with English
| measurement from the cradle. I know auto mechnics with 40 years experience
| who readily admit that they still need to double/triple check anything
| metric... they can eyeball the correct socket for any SAE bolt first shot
| but with metric they have to try 2-3. An American has about as much chance
| of having metric become second nature as they would driving on the left side
| of the road.
Canada made the metric conversion exactly as graham indicated, no transition
period and did so with great success. After about 5 years people no longer
thought about it, simply functioned in metric. I know because I was there,
in the mid-1970s. Why do you babble so much about things you know nothing
about, Shelshit?