10 Worst Restaurant Names
Mark Thorson > wrote in :
> Kinda hard to separate the artist from the art, in this
> case.
And in other cases?
> Mediocre compared to what?
Rubens, Vermeer, Carravaggio, even the impressionists.
> I've read criticism
> which called his style very "architectural", which seems
> to be correct. You don't see many people in his art,
> and when you do, they aren't very well drawn. The
> buildings and the trees, however, are drawn with a
> high level of technical skill and realism. His sense
> of color was good, too. Too bad he was so determined
> to be a fine artist rather than an architect. He might
> have become a decent architect.
Or even as Norman Spinrad suggested in his Iron Dream, a science-ficti9on
illustrator ;-)
Coulda shoulda woulda...
Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest
of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest
good of everyone. - John Maynard Keynes