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Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
>> Among other things, if you cook and use cookbooks, you'd be constantly
>> converting forever...unless you threw them all out and replaced them.
>> Most
>> of my US cookbooks do not contain metric measurements.
>> Having said that, I have quite a few cookbooks from the UK and Europe. I
>> made a point of buying measuring equipment for that purpose, as well as a
>> scale that weighs in both ounces and grams.
> Once you start using the system, you know the conversions easily and
> quickly. Like bi-lingual people that slip in and out of both languages as
> if they are one. The most difficult part is just accepting that you are
> going to use metric and in a few days, it is second nature.
Thats pretty much my experience. At one job we started doing a lot of
business with Asian countries. Everything had to be done using SI
metric. After a short time I didn't even need to do any thinking when
looking at something expressed with SI.
> I can look at a pressure gauge and see 2 bar or 30 psi and know what it
> means. In any case, I don't see any changes coming to the US kitchen in my
> lifetime. Too many people just won't change.